From patchwork to machine
The coordinators
The voice of the teachers
Friends of the project

In the summer of 1997 I started wandering around the virtual worlds, a kind of 3D chatroom which was really, and I mean really, intriguing. Obviously, before making these trips, I downloaded the program from the website activeworlds.

On the first trips I hadn't really understood that you could join in the chat without necessarily becoming an aw-citizen. Once I had got over this problem, I began to wander around the worlds as a tourist with the greatest of ease, discovering straight away:

  • how to access the worlds only through the green ball;
  • how to use different perspectives (the eye or the movie camera);
  • how to give my computer time in order to see the chosen world better;
  • to wander through the worlds both alone and with the guidance of other tourists/citizens;
  • how to choose a world with no visitors (marked with a temporary 0) or one with visitors (marked with the number 1 or > 1).

My first impression was definitely positive and free of anxiety. One day I had a twelve year old American girl as my guide in a world. She led me to a place full of paintings and poetry. This world had been totally created by a woman painter.