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Per realizzare la nostra proposta abbiamo usato:
Word, Flash5, Dreamweaver.

Quale "ambiente di lavoro" abbiamo avuto

Per il laboratorio su Escher consigliamo inoltre l'uso di Symmetry Works


Quanto segue è TRATTO da:

Escher Interactive : Exploring the Art of the Infinite

A gallery of some 600 images by M.C. Escher, the Dutch graphic artist whose intricate division of a plane into interlocking geometric forms baffled even some mathematicians. As a student, he was an utter failure at math, but as an artist, his perspective was brilliant and spellbinding. Supplemented with an audio and video narrative by Escher's son George and biographer Doris Schattschneider, the disk follows the artist's development from his early linocut of a skull in 1917, to the dramatically magical "Ghosts," created shortly before his death.
This text refers to the CD-ROM edition.

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