Proposta e percorsi (in breve)
per poter continuare a giocare nei mondi virtuali...

and paths (in short)
To keep playing in the virtual worlds


Bambini di 3-4-5 anni nei mondi
3-4-5 year old children in the worlds

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From: "Alexa Joyce"
To: zap-advisors@longboy.eun.org
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 6:03 PM
Subject: [Zap-advisors] Welcome to EUNCLE and Zap!
Dear all,
Thanks so much for signalling interest in the EUNCLE project for
creating a safe website for children in Europe. 'Zap' will be
the name - take a look at the draft logos and characters attached.
I have been overwhelmed to see so many of you with such great
skill and experience offering your time and support.
In fact, we had so many volunteers that I have split the advisory
group into two: teacher advisors technology/pedagogy advisors
So far the non-teacher group (yourselves) is not as large as the
other, so nominations for other members would be very welcome.
The tasks will be light - but will be a lot of fun! I will be
on holiday from 5 August to 22 August. So from the end of August,
let's begin to get to know each other better.
All the best
Alexa Joyce
Content Manager
European Schoolnet http://www.eun.org
eSchoolnet http://www.eschoolnet.org
News http://news.eun.org
central line: + 32 2 790 7575
direct line: + 32 2 790 7554
fax: +32 2 790 7585
From: "HS"
To: calip@mbox.panservice.it
Subject: Fw: [Zap-advisors] Welcome to EUNCLE and Zap!
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2002 17:30:45 +0200
Hello Linda,
Very impressive websites for your participatory projects I'm working
on the introduction of AW in the following European project: Are
you already working on it or are you interested to participate with
Yours Sincerely, Han Speckens

"H S"
To: "Linda Giannini"
Subject: Re: Fw: [Zap-advisors] Welcome to EUNCLE and Zap!
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 22:14:58
Hello Linda,
You work amazingly fast the websites have a very good organisation
of materials.
Isn't the AW world a bit overdone for children in the age of 4-6
years old?
Maybe we can introduce the work you made in 1998-2000 to Alexa
Joyce Euncle is focussed on the same agegroup of children and
you know how this will work out!
It would be interesting to develop an international Active Worlds
Kindergarten for EUNcle Would you like me to introduce you to
Bye, Han
"Linda Giannini"
To: "H S"
Subject: Re: Fw: [Zap-advisors] Welcome to EUNCLE and Zap!
Dear Han, thanks for your e-mail.
Certainly I would like to take part in this project.
If you like, you can introduce me to Alexa.
Where are you from?
Bye, linda |
"H S"
To: "Linda Giannini"
Subject: Fw: Fw: [Zap-advisors] Welcome to EUNCLE and Zap!
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 20:46:33
Good evening Linda,
I'm from The Netherlands, Breda/The Haque My company is named
Holland Digital Artlab and I work with Henny vd Meijden on the
AW-project for the Montessori Lyceum.
I'l get in touch with Alexa, next week,
Ciao, Han |