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ENO Tree Planting Day


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ENO Tree Planting Day è un evento aperto a scuole
ed a gruppi interessati all’ambiente ed alla pace.
Viene organizzato due volte in un anno, a maggio ed a settembre.
Piantare alberi è una delle attività più popolari nel programma ENO.
Il progetto e' nato nel 2000 e ha raggiunto migliaia di scuole di 150 Paesi.
Finora sono stati piantati circa 4 milioni di alberi
ma l'obiettivo e' quello di piantare 100 milioni di alberi entro la fine del 2017.

ENO Environment on line
è una scuola ed una rete virtuale globale in favore dello sviluppo sostenibile e della consapevolezza ambientale. Temi ambientali vengono studiati settimanalmente nell’anno scolastico contemporaneamente in tutte le scuole associate, attraverso l’uso collaborativo di risorse condivise . Migliaia di scuole di 150 nazioni iniziano le loro attività, guidate dall’unità finlandese, il 21 settembre, con la messa a dimora di alberi, simbolo di protezione ambientale e di cooperazione fra giovani di tutto il mondo. -


  • il 31 luglio 2010 e' stata registrata la nostra scuola dell'infanzia
    ed e' stata data la disponibilita' a piantare tre alberi nel giardino dell'Istituto [il 21 settembre 2010]
  • il 09 settembre 2010 e' stata inviato un fax all'UTB Fogliano
  • il 16 settembre 2010 abbiamo preso accordi con l'UTB Fogliano
  • il 17 settembre 2010 Giuliana Ferranti ed Alessandra Noal sono venute nel nostro istituto per effettuare con bambine/i di 3-4-5 anni un sopralluogo in giardino
  • il 21 settembre 2010 abbiamo piantato tre alberi: un leccio, un cerro ed un corbezzolo
  • il 24 settembre 2010 abbiamo raccolto le foglie nel giardino del nostro istituto
  • il 28 settembre 2010 abbiamo accettato l'invito di Jozef Zvolenský [Primary School Skycov – Slovakia - Europe] a collaborare inviando i disegni della storia di Pinocchio nella sua scuola; Questi sono stati esposti nei giorni 20. 20-25 ottobre in occasione dell'"international day of libraries"
  • il 14 dicembre 2010 Giuliana Ferranti della forestale e' venuta a salutare bambine/i delle sez. A-B-C di scuola dell'infanzia: e' stata quindi una lieta occasione per scambiarci gli auguri e per prendere accordi per il nuovo anno. Il prossimo incontro ci sono stati il 2 ed il 3 febbraio 2011
  • nei giorni 02 e 03 febbraio 2011 Alessandra e Giuliana del corpo forestale narrano a bambine/i delle tre sezioni di scuola dell'infanzia la storia di Margherita e di Gelsomino...
  • il 03 febbraio 2011 un breve incontro con Giuliana Ferranti del corpo forestale per scoprire foglie e fiori secchi ...
  • il 10 e 15 marzo 2011 c'è stato il laboratorio della cartapesta
  • il 27 maggio 2011 c'è stata la visita al Fogliano da parte delle sezioni A-C di scuola dell'infanzia
  • il 08 giugno 2011 c'e' stato l'incontro conclusivo con Giuliana Ferranti ed Alessandra Noal del corpo forestale e bambine/i della sezione B di scuola dell’infanzia il quale ha previsto l’esplorazione dei parchi che circondano il nostro istituto e molto altro ancora..
  • ogni venerdi' vengono annaffiate le piante

17 settembre 2010:
sopralluogo personale corpo forestale dello Stato

[ alcune foto ricordo ]


vestito di rosso
Regalami un cane con cuccia ed osso
vestito di giallo
Regalami un po’ di musica da ballo
Co-co-co-co-co coloralberiamo.
vestito di blu
Regalami un bel libro come vuoi tu.
vestito di verdolino
Regalami un amico carino.
Co-co-co-co-co coloralberiamo.
vestito di rosa
Regalami un’amica affettuosa
vestito di arancione
Regalami un clown col sorrisone
vestito di tanti colori
Regala l’allegria a tutti i cuori
Co-co-co-co-co coloralberiamo.

From: Mika Vanhanen
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2010 13:07:06 +0300
Subject: Happy ENO Tree Planting Day 21 SEP!


Dear registered schools for ENO Tree Planting Day 21 SEP,
thanks for joining our day! You are doing an important deed not only for your school but for your community and world! Please spread the word about our event to schools in your area and country. We hope you have already found the instructions how to organise the day. Unfortunately the latest updates are only in English, Finnish and Slovenian. You find all the necessary information at To make this event and ENO Programme's 10th anniversary even more attractive ou can follow TWO events online on the web:

  1. ENO Programme's 10th anniversary event at Nature Centre Ukko, Koli
  2. At The Roots - Concert at Koli 24 SEP
Remember to take photos and video clipses, follow the instructions here

Happy Tree Planting Day!

Mr Mika Vanhanen
ENO Programme
"Start by doing what's necessary;
then do what's possible;
and suddenly you are doing the impossible."
St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226)


.... e' finalmente giunto il 21 settembre!!!! ...
... ecco la messa a dimora di tre bellissime piante ...
e le nostre foto ricordo

[ alcune foto ricordo ]

Immagini via e-mail e pensieri dalle scuole

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 19:21:02

Dear ENO friends,
here comes our party
All the best, Linda, Latina, Italy

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 22:27

Cara Linda, anche in pochi stiamo facendo ottime cose e dobbiamo esserne fieri. Complimenti.

University of Florence DIPARTIMENTO DI CHIMICA

Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 09:01:30

Hallo Linda... How r U there ? We were at Milan n Venice last week. Regards, S.RAMESH - Penang, Malaysia

Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 19:57:15

Hi Smramesh Munisamy, I live near Rome: Latina; :-) Venice is very nice. Sorry but I don't know Malaysia, I tink it is a Beautiful country. All the best, Linda, Latina, Italy

Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 22:02:11

Enjoy!... CLICK ON THE CAT This is awesome !! Click on the cat Sit back and watch! Enjoy! Very well done. Have a nice day - from smramesh munisamy

Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 21:42:56

Thanks Linda. Have a nice day too. Regards, G.Irru- Malaysia Penang

Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 06:03:13

Well Malaysia is very beautiful n full of rain forest......... U also can experience beautiful beaches, island n varity of food Came n visit ..... then u know better then i explane .... ok Regards, S.Ramesh

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 18:17:17

Dear Linda, Amazing party. I really enjoyed it. I will show it to my students. I admire your attempt for a green world. Best wishes from Soodeh Educational Complex international coordinator, Molook Khadivi

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 22:35:39

Hi evreyone! We have successfully planted our tree today. We have a lot of fun. It was our first participation in the project too. Lots of love from Slovenija, Bohinj

Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 15:30:54

Hello dear friend, We are writing from Ivanovo,Belarus.We were happy to take pautin this project. We planted 10.000 pine-trees in the forest. And also we picked mushrooms. We were glad to work together. Best wishes Yulia and Dima

Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 23:15:27

Dear friends of ENO, thank you so much for your time and input to make our celebration a success! Feel free to see the videos from both events on the web.In addition we will have a live broadcast of our concert for You, on Friday 24th of September, from 4:00 PM UTC. The concert is called "At The Roots". It is about our most loved Finnish music, Sibelius and Finnish songs performed by Sibelius Duo and an opera singer Hannu Forsberg. Please find the videos from yesterday on the link below and welcome to see our concert live on the same page warm regards, Mika

"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226)

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 19:44:36

Hi, we are from Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra, Science Secondary School in Kelantan, Malaysia. We want to share with you what we have done yesterday. Dr Chan

Wed, September 22, 2010 9:35:23 AM

Hi Mika! The ICEHS-IDEA Club and IV-Maawain Class participated yesterday's tree planting activity. Thanks a lot for giving us the chance to save Mother Earth. God bless you! fe oblenda iligan city east high school iligan city, philippines

Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 00:06:37

Dear All It was a symbolic moment, small but big in the heart of those who still have the willpower to fight for a healthier and more peaceful environment. Parab?ns a todas as Escolas Portuguesas envolvidas neste Projecto . Parabns Cmara Municipal de Leiria. Bem -Vinda ao projecto! "Viva" o Eno Tree Planting Day! Leonor Marques Eno coordinator Escola Secundria de Vilela-Portugal

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 20:05:29

Hola a toda la familia ENO: Felíz Día de Plantación de Árboles ENO. Aquí lo celebramos plantando árboles y luego participamos de una jornada de limpieza organizada por el Taller de Reciclado de nuestra escuela, que contribuía a la campaña "A limpiar el mundo". Les enviamos fotos de nuestra escuela CEI "San Ignacio". Le mandamos un saludo especial a Mika. ¡Gracias a su excelente idea hoy festejamos el 10º Aniversario de ENO!!!! Saludos Ana Prieto Coordinadora de ENO en Argentina Hello ENO family : Happy Tree Planting Day ENO!. Here we celebrate by planting trees and then participate in a cleanup day organized by the Recycling Workshop at our school, which contributed to the campaign "Clean Up the World." We send pictures of our school CEI "San Ignacio". We send a special greeting to Mika!!! Thanks to his excellent idea today celebrated the 10th anniversary of ENO!! Regards Ana Prieto ENO Argentina Country Coordinator

Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 00:32:16

Dear friends, From now on, the trees we planted in may will have new friends ( 4 Pyracantha Crenatoserrata and 3 Ilex)... The children will take care of them and watch them growing! Be close to nature, too! Best regards, Cristina Petrescu School no. 192, Bucharest, Romania

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 14:27:00

Hello everyone, Two classes from "Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool Dej, Romania, have celebrated the Tree Planting Day and the International Peace Day, planting 2 trees in the school park. The students gave them names: Verzisor (Greeny) and Bobita (Little Bob). The participant students were from class 9th A and 9th B, and the coordinator teachers were Cornelia Platon and Alexandru Kiss. The event was promoted by the local radio, and the students had a lot of fun. Happy Anniversary ENO! Cornelia Platon

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 21:16:30


Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 22:33:34

Hi evreyone! We have successfully planted our tree today. We have a lot of fun. It was our first participation in the project too. Lots of love from Slovenija, Bohinj

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 15:58:33

Greetings to all: Students and teachers at the Centro Universitario Regional de Santiago (CURSA), the Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), also participate in tree planting on the International Day of Peace. Angela Hernández Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic


Saludo para todos: Estudiantes y profesores del Centro Universitario Regional de Santiago(CURSA), de la Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), participan también en la siembra de árboles en el Dia Internacional de la Paz. Angela Hernandez Santo Domingo, Republica Domincana

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 22:55:31

25 KINDERGARTEN BRATYA GRIM , SHUMEN, BULGARIA HAPPY ENO TREE DAY! Best regards: Evgeniya Tsvetanova Kindergarten "Bratya Grimm" 28"Rodopy"str. Shumen, Bulgaria

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 22:33:34

Hi evreyone! We have successfully planted our tree today. We have a lot of fun. It was our first participation in the project too. Lots of love from Slovenija, Bohinj

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 16:21:27

Dear ENO friends, I ‘m glad to see that the planting day around the world was a very special day. The students of Dinora School, Brazil, besides planting trees, are happy to see the photos and the particularities of each place and know that regardless of development level we all seek to global sustainability. Regards -- Rosa Maria Sousa Santos - Coordenadora ENO BRASIL (12) 8116 1259

Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2010 07:05:51 -0700 (PDT)

Terve! Thanks for all our dear ANGEL MIKA! It will be great again to plant trees all over the world! Only TOGETHER we can SAVE OUR PLANET! We really love you and respect you!

[ presentazione ]

Warm regards from Braila-Romania!

Mrs.Cornelia Alexandru-Braila,Romania

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 21:17:47

Greetings from Slovenia, we had a really good time...this is our 3rd tree and it is a symbol of peace, harmony and hope for a better future. Primary school Frana Kranjca Celje

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 12:10:10

Dear Friends of the environment, ours was a great day. after the post election violence in Kenya, this was the first time that we had a day to celebrate peace. it has all been campaigns and campaigns but today we celebrated real peace in an environmental way. even the environment needed peace. to commemorate this day, our members which include school students and a local community based group (mazingira youth network) planted 517 trees. It was cool and fantastic.

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 12:05:56

Congratulations and best wishes for everyone, from Macedonia. OU "Dimitar Miladinov"

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 20:04:53

Hello, We planted all our trees and it was really fun! Even thought it was a hot day. It was also very educational! We hope your day was as great as ours! Best regards, Helena Lança - Our school: Escola Básica 2,3 de Vale de Milhaços in Portugal

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 12:00:31

Dear Coordinator and Friends, Receive a special greeting for the 10th Anniversary of ENO. We are planting 10 trees as a symbol of life. Dorina Gheorghioiu, Adjud-Vrancea

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 11:42:48

Dear all family ENO! We have planted 50 trees near our school,in a district! It was so cool! We sang songs,we were so happy to make something good for our kids,for our PLANET! Warm regards, Mrs. Cornelia Alexandru-Braila,Romania

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 21:24:06

Hi !!! We are from Belarus. It's our first participation in the project.We're so happy to be a member of this organisation. We're planted our trees today around our school building. All the best wishes for ENO members. Valentina Shpakovskaya - Naroch secondary school Naroch-Belarus

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 11:18:36

Happy tree planting day! Happy ENO anniversary! May peace rule on Earth! Liceul Teoretic "Miron Costin" Pascani, ROMANIA, Gabriela Hritcu-Mesenschi

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 11:05:16


Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 14:14:38


Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 19:59:31

Dear ENO friends, We've planted our tree. It was a great experience to join people all over the world in such a good cause. Congratualations for everyone! Tatjana Novak, Primary School Cirkovce, Slovenia

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 21:53:10

Happy ENO Tree Planting Day! It's graet we are all together to make our planet greener! Tatiana Kukoleva, Nurlat, Tatarstan

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 20:46:40

Dear Coordinator and Friends, Receive a special greeting for the 10th Anniversary of ENO. Today, from 12:00 to 1:00 pm local time in schools St.Sofronii Vrachanski from Vratza,Bulgaria We are planting 2 trees as a symbol of life. We are glad to be part of ENO, making a better world for us. Svetlana Poycheva, St.Sofronii Vrchanski Primary school - Bulgaria

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 19:41:00

Dear tree planters, We are happy to say that we have also planted our tree – sweetgum in front of our school centre. So this is our small contribution to make our mother Earth happier and healthier. Best regards, Barbara Pu¹nik

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 10:27:22

congratulations. In western Kenya, Chavakali High School and Negai International Education Centre under the championship of Ombajo and Suwako Nagata planted over three hundred trees today after a heavy downpour of rain. we will upload the picture and share. Thanks Ombajo Edward


Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 13:21:08

Dear All the Coordinators and members of ENO Programme in the world, We have planted 500 african trees with many school students as well as: The Koumba Diawara School Complex and Sierra International School Complex and Nelson Mandela School Complex in Conakry, Guinea, West Africa!!! We have enjoyed the Tree Planting 2010 project this year and we admired it a lot. Notice: please I didn't able to attach the pictures because for bad internet in our country and we have a political crisis for the future presidential election process and I will attach them tomorrow by the grace of God!!!! Best regards, Mr.Mamady Lamine Traore. ENO Guinea Country Coordinator. Conakry, Guinea

Pinocchio 2.0 ed un primo contatto con la Slovacchia

Hello, We are the primary school in Skýcov and would be glad to attend ENotreeday 2010 together with your school.We would like to ask you for cooperation on our project for children-my favourite fairytale.It is very simple, children from your school will draw pictures of their favourite fairytale and will write a short plot and we will do the same thing as well.All that it takes is to send us 3-5 pictures in A4 format.We would like all the children in the world to participate in our project.If you attend the project we will send you scans of pictures from all the other schools.We would like to start the project before the 20. of October 2010.On the 25. of October, the international day of libraries, we would like to exhibit all the works in our library. If you are interested please respond to this e-mail.

Mgr. Jozef Z.

Primary School Skycov – Slovakia - Europe

Ciao, siamo della scuola elementare in Skýcov e saremmo felici di partecipare all’ENO tree day 2010, insieme con la vostra scuola. Vorremmo chiedervi la cooperazione al nostro progetto per i bambini, “la mia favola preferita”. E’ molto semplice, i bambini dalla tua scuola disegneranno immagini della loro favola e scriveranno una breve trama; faremo la stessa cosa pure noi. Tutto quello che bisogna fare è inviare 3-5 immagini in formato A4. Vorremmo che tutti i bambini del mondo partecipassero al nostro progetto. Se vuoi aderire al progetto ti invieremo le scansioni delle immagini da tutte le altre scuole. Vorremmo avviare il progetto prima del 20-25 ottobre 2010. Per la giornata internazionale delle biblioteche, vorremmo esporre tutte le opere nella nostra biblioteca. Se siete interessati vi preghiamo di rispondere a questa e-mail.

Mons. Jozef Z.

Scuola Primaria Skycov - Slovacchia - Europa

Dear Jozef , very good!!!

We have Pinocchio story & ENO project; you can see our documentation here:

Please, you can join to Facebook group and, if you want, I can ask to you ID and Password to Rob&ide Blog. Are you in eTwinning group?

All the best, Linda Giannini, Latina, Italy


From: Linda Giannini
To: Mika Vanhanen
, "Schools in Africa" "Schools in Americas" "Schools in Asia & Oceania" "Schools in Europe"
Date: 28 Sep 2010 13:07:06 +0300
Subject: A great tree planting day and 10th anniversary/ important instructions!


Dear friends,
here you have our data:

a) Name of your school.
Scuola Infanzia
Istituto Comprensivo don Milani
Latina, Italy

b) Your city.
Latina, near Rome

wikipedia info,_Italy

c) Your country.

d) The number of participants.
83 kids 3 to 5 yers old

e) Include one photo of your event
(and only one as we have many participants).

our photo about happy event

f) If you have recorded a video clip, please don't send it to us, but put it online
(like Youtube) and add the LINK in the report. We will then forward these links to our website together with the photo.

You can see our photo in web site La Scatola delle Esperienze
and on the blog Rob&Ide

All the best, Linda
Linda Giannini
coordinator Eno project
ambassador eTwinning Lazio, Italy

From: Mika Vanhanen
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 11:02:13
Subject: Happy ENO Tree Planting Day 21 SEP!


Dear participants in ENO Tree Planting Day 21st of September 2010!

We have been uploading your photos and comments that you have submitted to? the email addresses of different continents. You can find the albums as small at

Here are direct links to different continents (ENO Tree Planting Day Albums 21 SEP 2010):

[ EUROPE ] - [ AFRICA ] - [ ASIA ] - [ AMERICAS ]

If you have submitted your photo and comments according the instructions you should find your photo there. Please be patient while browsing photos, there are hundreds of them. You will find COUNTRY as first in the photo caption and after that your school name and city.

If your photo is missing or you have not followed the instructions please find them below.

warm regards,

Mika Vanhanen
ENO Programme

"Start by doing what's necessary;
then do what's possible;
and suddenly you are doing the impossible."
St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226)


Pinocchio 2.0 e la cura delle piante
Abbiamo scelto il venerdì come giorno della settimana
dedicato alla cura delle nostre tre piante:
Ecco alcune foto ricordo di bambine/i che le annaffiano.

[ alcune foto ricordo ]

From: Mika Vanhanen
Wed, 6 Oct 2010 19:34:39 +0300
ENO Tree Planting Day Certificate

Dear school, congratulations!
Please find your certificate attached, to be printed and signed with your school name.

warm regards,

Mika Vanhanen
ENO Programme

"Start by doing what's necessary;
then do what's possible;
and suddenly you are doing the impossible."
St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226)

[ il certificato ]

Foto ricordo dell'incontro del 14 dicembre 2010:
bambine/i della sez. B regalano
disegni ed una stellina che Giuliana Ferrante
della Forestale potra' attaccare al suo albero di Natale

Aggiungono come dono la poesia
Il Girotondo dell'Amicizia

[ alcune foto ricordo ]

03 Febbraio 2011:
la storia di Margherita e di Gelsomino

[ alcune foto ricordo ]

21 Febbraio 2011:
alla scoperta di foglie e fiori secchi

10 Marzo 2011
il laboratorio della cartapesta per la festa della Pace
ed il gruppo di foto [01] - [02] - [03]

Il 08 giugno 2011 c'e' stato l'incontro conclusivo
con Giuliana Ferranti ed Alessandra Noal del corpo forestale
e bambine/i della sezione B di scuola dell’infanzia.


... messa a dimora di tre ginestre nel giardino della nostra scuola ...

... l'attraversamento del ponte ...
...con pic nik all'ombra di tre grandi querce ...

.... il gioco "fidiamoci dell'altro" ...

Regola del gioco:

si procede in fila indiana, con occhi chiusi
lasciando che il bambino o la bambina che precede
giudi la passeggiata
intorno alle grandi querce ....

.... esplorazione dello spazio circostante
seguito da qualche gioco libero nei pressi del bar/gazebo ...

.... ritorno a scuola passando nuovamente sopra il ponte
del nostro quartiere Q4Q5 ...

Quando siamo tornati in classe
bambine/i hanno ricostruito l'esperienza
disegnandola alla lavagna

Un particolare ringraziamento a
Giuliana Ferranti ed Alessandra Noal del corpo forestale
che hanno reso possibile questa splendida esperienza
ed alla signora del bar / gazebo
che gentilmente si e' offerta di scattare per noi
alcune foto ricordo


[ l'attestato ]

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© Linda Giannini 2010-2011
Diritti riservati. Nessuna parte può essere riprodotta, in qualsiasi forma o mezzo, senza citare la fonte.
All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without mention of this source.
Haki zote zimehifadhiwa. Hairuhusiwi kunakili sehemu yoyote bila kuitaja asili yake hii.
Ciuj rajtoj rezervitaj. Neniu parto povas esti reproduktita, en kiu ajn formo au per kiu ajn metodo,
sen mencii ci tiun fonton.