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The Sprites in the web
The journey of the Sprites between Latina and Soave...
on the road of the house of Arts and Games of Mario Lodi

The Sprites in the web Short Relation
Didamatica Acts 2003 pp. 522-525



"The Sprites in the web", didactic experience between far away schools of different order and grade, it attracts mainly boys and girls from three to seven years old. Using the Sprites the teachers "narrate" how the knowledge systems can change and get richer with new expressive and creative possibilities with use of the communications and information technologies, still maintaining the languages and the usual equipment of the "traditional" school correspondence. For the link to all the Short Relation referred to the experience

1. General Information

The journey of the Sprites -in and out of the web- started last summer from some "small spirits" born from the hands of children inside a creative laboratory that made use of many recycled material.

The "potential" didactic-educational journey was created with the summer heat, from an e-mail box to another of the teachers, it started to become possible with the fall, specially thanks to the meeting solutions made by the children of Latina and Soave.

In the reality of this "fantastic" story, the journey was untied in smaller roads and paths, with a large e-mail correspondence . Some times the phone call shortcut was chosen, other longer roads were maid by boxes sent by mail.

The two distant geographical areas, tiny points on the map of Italy, became slowly closer every time that a story, photo or websites like reached, in Latina, the attention of the childhood school and , in Soave, those of the first elementary section involved in the trip.

2. Didactic Hypothesis

The decision to go through, even with a camera, the paths of a childs immagination was made basically from the hypothesis of:

  • To help the aquisition of the capacity of the concepts with the help of games of inventing and creating, knows as the natural way of the child to research and discover the world, also as an "instrument" ready to inspire the strong motivation to learn;
  • To valorize the expression of the fantastic and the real living of each child, to help him search his own self, reinforceing his own identity;
  • To stimulate a pleasent approach to the media, promoting the construction of knowledge
  • Encourageing the communication and the confrontation of the experiences, of ideas and emotions through the use of a large number of languages: from normal spoken to graphical-pictoral, from logical-mathematical to tecnological, never the less with instruments like drawing, writing, photography, manufactered objects, newspapers, telemathics…

3. Routes and Activities

The first small creature to start the voyage was the Sprite of Words, "all blue like the sky", born from the medieval town as a pleasent approach to the knowledge of reading and writing.

Arrived in the city, he immediately started the game of the words: beautiful, ugly and happy [1], written on paper, boxes, blackboards and white "pages" turned in the monitors of the computers and found inside the on-line alphabet.

From the counting games made during the day on the blackboards of Ardesia placed on the walls of the class for the children of section G of Latina was born the Sprite of the Numbers [2] that invited the children in the logical-mathematical world. His arrival in Soave, after a journey via mail assured by the italian mail, was annaunced by the boys and girls on the Childhood school of Latina with e-mails written at the computer of the class.


Picture 1
Children of four and five years old write us an e-mail
searching together for the letters on the keyboard.

In their exploration of the woods inside the class, after the Sprites, the boys and girls also met the other gnomes, tiny friendly creatures to play with at searching their identity in the space of desguises, giving life to caracters everyone with his own characteristics, moods, voices, walkings and "magical powers". [3].

In some moments the spontaneous curiosity of the children at the aspects of nature was made by the experiences made with water [4]. Drops of rain, first only a few then soon many more, making their games very wet, made possible the discovery of new scientifical knowledges and of places far far away like Africa untill recreating on the computer monitor... "many colorful drops of paint". Other times the sun illuminated the path and then it was easier to explore new routes to understand complexed languages, made of numbers, words, sounds, colors linking them all up in the "lowerwoods" looking for the path of memory.

Its like the story of "Pollicino" in the ancient story he counted small rocks to find the safe road home, the child-sprites experimented the use of the numbers counting and counting each other. [5].

Soon "Briciole" poked out, a journal made of paper, that contained thoughts, the experiences and the ideas of the boys and girls of the first grade class in Soave and the childhood School of Latina adds up a "thank you" via computer.[6]

In these routes, more or less fantastic, were also involved the parents of both of the Schools, that gave their own tips and added up suggestions even with the internet mai [7]l. In some occasions they shared with the teachers and the students a few on line programs, involving in the common route not only the sprites, but even some of their "hairy" friends that ran around the monitors or on the tables of the class: "Campanellino", the tired sheep of Federico and Valeria and the "A-Mici" to play with, a play-thought, not electrical, but made of paper, arrived on the web directly from Sàrmede (Treviso), the town of the fairy tale that only a few days ago had the 20th International Childhood Illustration Show.

Even Avatars and 3D worlds became part of the real-virtual-fantastic world of Latina, thanks to the chat of Active Worlds and the help of Albert, an old friend of the boys and girls, that once again "took our hand" even if stll remaining in Reggio Calabria [8]. After Albert other friends much more further away, but the same very close with the on-line meetings.


Picture 2:
Children of three, four and five years old "navigate"
together in the virtual worlds
(AW, 3d chat)

4. Conclusions

The first resaults, positve under the profile of the active and joyful partecipation of the children and the involved parents, cannot yet deline an asset of the experiences still in act, wich tecnical implant and organizations may be subject of changes.

Anyhow the new contacts made with the teachers, the growing number of visits made to the site, the attention recieved from other institutions, from the Indire, from the European Commission in occasion of the Net Days of 2002 [9], and especially the interest demostrated by the children in the proposed activities, induct, from a side, to think about a possible riproductivity and, from another, to the necessities to enlarge the fantastic-creative spaces that sometimes in the school risks to be left to itself.

We have also agreed to think that in this experience the tecnologies and particularly the telemathics helped the cooperation between teachers, teachers and children, and between children and other children.

"The Sprites in the web" clear that the same journey will be anyway realized with the absence of the ITC, but it will have a minor collaboration and socialization component. Collaboration knowledge, then, like "Aquisition of knowledge by the subjects, abilities, acts that are the result of a group interation, or, said more clearly, an individual learning as a result of a group process." [A.Kaye 1994].

Thanks to the web the possibility of contact and confrontation for the boys and girls has grown with the opportunities to encounter fantastic and virtual caracters like the funny sprites of cloth and the avatars moving in the monitors and friends that come out of the pages of the books or out of real far away places: all magical invitations to read, to count, to draw, to play, to curiosity, to research… -Picture 1 and 2-

"To help this the teacher must assumer the role of the helper: stimolating the discussion with questions that forsee an open answer and make the students think in a creative way, relating ideas and informations apparently not connected and resisting to the temptation to give answers, entreating and helping also the students in discovering by their selves." [Trentin 1998].

Also, a stimolating enviroment is usually a good start for curious activities and also the creativity can be trained; clay and cubes are only two possibilities between the many to increment the "creative quotient", another useful way to help this is to give a variety of stimolations with books and internet access [Reindermann 2003].

From the view of the user the on-line pages are getting more and more interactive, fast in the loading, rich in functionality and similar to the hypermedia distributed on CD-ROM [Sarti 1998], so the boys and girls had the possibility to explore the virtual worlds wich 3d graphics had kindly "offered" itself with the service access of large bandwith DSL that reached the class "loading" rapidly and granting the movements of the virtual caracters.

The journey here reported has acted as a mediator between the two typologies: experienced and reflective. In this case the multimedia was used integrating with the elaborative processes of the childs expressive and verbal world (refering also to the creation of stories) [Calvani 1995].

In the future it could be interesting the opening of programmable game ambients like the ones descibed by E.K.Ackrmann seen that until now the programmation of experiences were limited to the ones propsed by Micromondi.

5. Bibliografy

E.K.Ackrmann (2002) La programmazione come "specchio" e "finestra" per entrare in relazione con gli oggetti e le persone, TD n° 3 p. 48-55

A.Calvani (1995), Manuale di tecnologie dell’educazione, Ed. ETS 1995- p. 89 scheda "Multimedialità, interattività, riflessività"

E.Gombrich (1997), Breve storia del mondo, Salani Editore

A.Kaye (1990), Apprendimento collaborativo basato sul computer TD n° 4 p. 9-21

G.Trentin (1998), Insegnare e appendere in rete, Zanichelli

H.Reindermann (2003), Mente & Cervello, n° I p. 58 Creativi si diventa

L.Sarti (1998), Nuove prospettive per un uso didattico di Internet, TD n° 14 p. 40


[1] description of the experience with the transcription of the thoughts in class
[2] boys and girls of the the childhood school "build" the sprite of the numbers with recylced material and then draw with the computer the friends of the sprites.
[3] short sequence of photos refered to the desguise moments.
[4] the rest of the journey of the water untill now documented on-line
[5] on-line documentation of some experiences of logical-mathematical activities
[6] frist numbers of the "Briciole" journal
[7] some examples of encounters with the families
[8] Learning with Virtual Worlds and Learning and cooperating on line
[9] Signs de-signs: online documentation of paths with and for ITC: a kind of Zibaldone of "Learning and co-operation on line" è stato premiato all'interno del Netd@ys2002

Translation edited by student for tecnological
class 3 B
(Marconi Secondary School),
Piccinini Marco
Special thanks to him

© Linda Giannini 2002-2003
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