apon a time…
summer some teachers of Latina and Soave started to belive
at a possible trip of the Sprites in and out of the web.
The idea was formed by a few spirits, born before by child
hands in a creative laboratory, with the help of recycled
materal: http://www.descrittiva.it/calip/0203/percorso_folletti.htm

the reality of this "fantastic" story, the journey
was untied, with an intense exchange of e-mails, using roads
and roads, paths and planes, but always accompanied by strings
of silk. http://www.descrittiva.it/calip/0203/fili_seta.htm
times the shortcut of the phone call was chosen, other times
the longer way taken by the various boxes sent by mail:

the "potential" hypothized with the heat
of summer, between a mail box and another, it started to
become possible with the fall, specially thanks to the meeting
solutions proposed by the boys and girls of Latina and Soave.
two distant geographical areas, tiny points on the map of
Italy, became slowly closer every time that a story, photo
or websites like http://www.descrittiva.it/calip/0203/index.htm
reached, in Latina, the attention of the childhood school
and , in Soave, those of the first elementary section involved
in the trip.
and activities
first small creature to start the voyage was the Sprite
of Words, "all blue like the sky", born from the
medieval town of Soave www.descrittiva.it/calip/0203/due_castelli.htm
in the city, he immediately started the game of the words:
beautiful, ugly and happy http://www.descrittiva.it/calip/0203/parole.htm

the counting games made every day on the blackboards placed
on the walls of the class for the children of section G
of Latina was born the Sprite of the Numbers… a bit
ill but immediately cured by the teachers of the classes
in Soave, thanks to the trip assured by the italian mail.

arrival of the Sprite of the Numbers in Soave was announced
by the children
of the Childhood school of Latina with e-mails written with
the computer in the class

their exploration of the woods "inside" the class,
after the Sprites, the boys and girls also met other gnomes,
tiny friendly creatures to play with at searching their
identity in the space of desguises:

times, drops of rain, first only a few then many more, http://www.descrittiva.it/calip/0203/percorso_acqua.htm
made their games very wet, making possible the discovery
of new knowledges and of places far far away

times the sun illuminated the path and then it was easier
to explore new routes to understand complexed languages,
made of numbers, words, sounds, colors and linking them
all up in the "lowerwoods" looking for the path
of memory.

like the story of "Pollicino" in the ancient story
he counted small rocks to find the safe road home, the child-sprites
experimented the use of the language of numbers playing
counting and counting each other:

the telemathic web "Briciole" poked out, a journal
made of large paper, that contained the thoughts, the experiences
and the discoveries of the boys and girls of the first grade
class in Soave:

the routes, more or less fantastic, were involved the parents
of both of the schools, that gave tips and added up suggestions
even with the internet mail http://www.descrittiva.it/calip/0203/percorsi_insieme.htm
some occasions they shared with the teachers, boys and girls,
on-line programs, involving in the common route not only
the sprites, but even some "hairy" friends that
ran around the monitors or on the tables of the class:

and 3D worlds became part of the real-virtual-fantastic
world of Latina thanks to the chat of Active Worlds and
the help of Albert, an old friend of boys and girls, that
once again took our hand even if stll remaining in
Reggio Calabria. Who knows if we will meet him really? After
Albert other friends much more further away added up, but
they were the same very close with the on-line meetings

Jenuary some students of the Tecnological-Industrial Institute
"Marconi" of Latina added up in the journey with
the boys and girls reading to them "The Lion, the witch
and the wardrobe" (an incredible book, that is part
of the collection of fantastic stories dedicated to the
youngest readers from the english writer C.S. Lewis): "Entering
the big wardrobe, four brothers discover the entrance to
the enchanted world of Narnia, where a witch has cast the
spell of eternal freeze… http://www.descrittiva.it/calip/0203/narnia.htm
whole thing will also count the confrontations inside the
forum IRARN: International Education and Resource Network
and also the documentation of the on-line activities.