From patchwork to machine
The coordinators
The voice of the teachers
Friends of the project


  • Use of MicroMondi
  • Use of application packages
  • Use of telematic communication (on-line surfing, e-mail and AW chat)

The project uses a flexible organization to make the children's communication and learning more effective. Classes involved in the project have been subdivided as follows:

  • within each class, groups have been formed of between five and seven children;
  • these groups have been introduced to other groups of children of the same number (in the specific case of my school to those of the school where Linda teaches);
  • relationships and interactions between groups have then taken place on-line and through e-mail (and it is planned to continue, using the virtual worlds).
Times have been arranged for each of the two schools together with specific spaces: classrooms, areas below stairs and multimedia rooms.

Class F (teacher: Linda Giannini) and G (my class) each have two computers available, complete with accessories. These can be wheeled into Linda's class while in my school they are in a fixed position in a room on the upper floor.

Areas below stairs
For individual activities or small groups there are "alternative spaces" in Linda's school, designated areas below stairs or in halls, which are equipped with a portable PC.

Multimedia rooms
Both of our classes can make use of a multimedia room, depending on the timetable, since this facility is used in common with the primary and lower secondary schools.

One aim of the project is to use Internet resources to meet other children around the world and discover other ways of life, as well as that of maintaining and reinforcing teaching links between the two of us and initiating new relationships with other colleagues through the Internet.

The project is also intended to bring children nearer to the computer and, in particular, the Internet in order to understand its communicative potential, to discover its characteristics and to compare it with other forms of communication.

Since, in my new school, the children had never used a computer while in the other school there weare many new children, we began the project by making them familiar with the Paint program.

Given the practical realities of the two school situations, we find ourselves devising new features in the most unusual ways and at the strangest of times: during the journey to the university or in the coffee breaks. We provide constant encouragement to one another and comfort in the face of difficulties.

One of the features that we are introducing is "Message in a bottle". The children are drawing messages which will be placed in bottles tied to balloons and launched into the sky. On the same day the children in Linda's school will be outside in the garden in the hope that, weather permitting, some of the balloons may land among them.

Micromondi is another feature of the project, involving the creation of posters which we are sending to the TED convention.