Micromondi, the children in the school which I have just left
had carried out an activity based on two stories from "Le cittą
invisibili" by Calvino: Ottavia and Tamara. The poster produced
through group work will serve as a bridge between the two schools,
the two classes and "Le cittą invisibili".
Linda and her children wrote us a letter in which they asked
to continue playing with us and proposed making a poster together
so that we could get to know each other. Each school would do
half and then it would all be put together, including photographs.
The organization was shared with the children. From time to
time letters were read out in which each side reported their
impressions of the work that they were carrying out.
In practice it involved creating a single poster, from two 60
x 40 sheets, based on the theme: "What do you imagine if I say
Invisible Cities?"
Each class started with discussion groups on the proposed theme.
The children's answers were recorded and transcribed by the
teachers and then exchanged between the two schools first by
traditional post and then by e-mail.
The children used a variety of techniques to produce the poster:
pencils, waterpaints and the superimposing of images and drawings
carried out on the computer (using Paint).
In each of the two classes the children were divided into groups
The production of the poster lasted from September to November.
But naturally contacts will go on, wind and balloons permitting,
and who knows what may happen!