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Godel, Escher, Bach:

un'Eterna Ghirlanda Brillante


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(c) Tyler Nay


  • M.C. Escher : His Life and Complete Graphic Work

    The Abradale Press (Abrams' promotional book imprint) reprint of the work originally published by Abrams in 1982--and still in BIP at $65.00. Faithfully reprints the original at a modest price. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.

  • The Magic of M.C. Escher

    The book itself is creatively put together, with foldouts, seemingly endless images, and a loving introduction by the director of the Gemeentemuseum in the Hague. The minimal text selections that appear throughout are quotes from Escher himself, many taken from letters to family members. These personal musings give candid insight into what he thought about his peers, his career, and his work: "I really do feel these days like a kind of 'specialist,' and I don't want to 'depend' on my specialty alone, but I also feel it to be my duty to devote myself to that as much as possible." This remarkable book is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the astounding work of the man who could create two-dimensional origami with a pencil. --J.P. Cohen
  • The Magic Mirror of M.C. Escher

    The work of Escher has captured the imagination of many people and in this book Bruno Ernst (a personal friend of Escher) expands our understanding of the artist. After a brief but concise biography, the author throughly analyses the most important facets of Escher's artistic output: the illusion in drawing, the use of perspective, the creation of impossible realities, simultaneous and contrasting realities, crystals, and the infinite. Escher was an artist who was unique in in his work, he stands by himself, and this book is a helping tool in understanding and appreciating the unparalleled magic of his work. -- Esther Nebenzahl

  • All M.C. Escher works (c) Cordon Art-Baarn-the Netherlands.
    All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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